Saturday, December 8, 2007

Looking up

This is my mom when she was 16. She grew up in
Waban, Massachussetts.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Hello Blake,

I found your link to this blog in your comment on Sergey Brin. I just started blogging about Parkinson's (which I have, or which has me) and I have been intending to write a post about PD and creativity. I will include a link to your mother's poetry (Hope I am right in assuming that's OK.) I am so moved by her poems, and I wish I could have known her. If you would like to correspond, I'd be interested in knowing more about her. I especially wonder if she took up writing poetry or wrote more after her Parkinson's manifested itself.

I have no doubt that your devotion and generosity meant the world to her.

Best wishes,

Kathleen Cochran